February 4 in the morning
Dear partners,
Early next Friday, February 4, we will proceed to solve a leak that we have suffered in our water circuit.
This repair will force us to make a cut of water in the men’s and women’s changing rooms, gym building and toilets in the social lounge and restaurant.
This cut is expected to last until noon, so we hope that by 12 noon we can have new running water.
As an alternative we will leave the changing rooms located next to the football pitch open.
As soon as these works are finished, we will notify you via whatsapp business.
Remember that you can register for this alert service of all kinds by writing a message to 655 089 446 and saving this number in your agenda.
Thank you very much for your understanding and collaboration!
We want to listen to you
Dear members,
Last Thursday, all members over the age of 18 received a survey in your email because you can evaluate the different services of the Club, detect preferences and be able to address, with more information, the necessary improvements.
We would be grateful if you looked at the receipt and filled it in (if you haven’t received it yet, we recommend looking at your spam).
The result will be very useful, since from the data obtained we will develop an Improvement Plan that will materialize over the coming months with the necessary investments.
You have until Thursday, February 10 to answer it.
Thank you very much for your participation and collaboration!
12 months, 12 prizes
We remind you that tomorrow the 1st we start the Centenary Draw in February, of which we will know the winner on the 22nd!
It is an award that will please everyone who loves paddle… we can not advance you anymore….
Stay tuned to our Instagram to participate!
This initiative will be carried out throughout 2022, since we will make a monthly draw.
We will raffle sports equipment, Laietà clothes, lunches, dinners, trainings, private classes and much more!
Good luck!
Opening on February 7
We inform you that we have a new beauty service at your service that offers you as a welcome gift a 40% discount on all its treatments.
The new service opens next Monday, February 7th and you can enjoy these fantastic prices until Sunday, February 20th.
We will offer services such as: facial hygiene, massages, pedicure, manicure, hair removal, eyelash lifting, etc.
For more information contact our specialist: Silvia Monclús (692.87.61.99 / smsampedro@gmail.com)
You can check all prices and services here.
Take care of Laietà!
All Barça matches in the Pergola
Remember that you can live all barça matches in Laietà.
You can enjoy them whenever you want on the giant screen that we have installed in our Pergola!
We take this opportunity to remind you of the matches that await us during the month of February:
- FCBarcelona – Atlético Madrid: Sunday, February 6th at 4:15 p.m.
- Espanyol – FCBarcelona: Sunday, February 13 at 9 p.m. (*this game will not be done because the Club closes at 10 p.m.)
- FCBarcelona – Naples: Thursday, February 17th at 6:45 p.m.
- Valencia – FCBarcelona: Sunday, February 20th at 4:15 p.m.
- Naples – FCBarcelona: Thursday, February 24th at 9 p.m.
- FCBarcelona – Athletic Bilbao: February 27th (pending schedule)

we start saturday, February 5
Dear users,
After the success of the open day this past Saturday, we open the registrations from today for the Table Tennis School.
Below you have all the information about the new sports school of Laietà:
- Opening hours (opening hours!) : Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Ages: adults and boys and girls over 12 years old who will train together
- Prices: members 35 euros/month and non-members 40 euros/month
- Monitors: federated monitor recommended by Pep Palés (who will often come to support).
- Places available: 10 places
On the other hand, you have at your disposal a Season ticket of 4 specific training classes at a price of 40 euros/subscription for members and 45 euros/subscription for non-members.
From this season tickets at the moment we will put 4 on sale. In all cases, we will make a waiting list in case the registrations exceed the available places.
For more information and contact, please write to: tennistaula@laieta.cat
To formalize the Registrations visit the Partner Support Office.
Come and practice this exciting sport and don’t miss out on your place!
Inscriscriptions already open!
There is less left for the Social Tennis Tournament of 2022, which will be very special due to the celebration of our Centenary.The awards ceremony will be held during the dinner of the great Tennis Night that we will do in June and in which there will be more emotions and surprises than ever before.
The Social Tennis Tournament competition will be organized as follows:
- Female Category: alevin, infantile, junior and absolute
- Male category: benjamin, alevín, infantile, cadet, junior and absolute
- Seniors: +35, +45 i +55.
You can now register with your FCT user here.
Registration open until February 13th.
We are waiting for you! Let’s do Tennis, let’s do Laietà!
Read the agenda and results of our club
We inform you of the results and the agenda of matches in our sections and sports schools.
Results of the week from 24 to 30 January 2022:
- Tennis
- Basketball
- Futsal
- Paddle (unavailable)
Agenda of matches from January 31 to February 6, 2022:
- Tennis (no available)
- Basketball
- Futsal
- Paddle
Contest of costumes on 25, 26 and 27 February
Dear users,
We inform you that this Centenary Year we have prepared a very special Carnival.
Next Friday, 25, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 we are waiting for you in disguise at the Club to participate in the Centenary Costume Contest.
It is very easy, you only have to come in disguise one of these 3 days and take a photo at the photocall that will be prepared on the Club terrace.
Adults must wear a costume inspired by the 1920s and children can wear a free-themed costume.
You will then need to upload the photo to Instagram (post or storie) and tag it on the @clublaieta.
You can also send it if you prefer to the email: centenari@laieta.cat
The jury, formed by 3 members of the Board of Directors and 3 partners will review all the photos sent and proclaim the winners on March 1.
That is why we need 3 of you to offer you as a jury, the first 3 who write an email to marketing@laieta.cat can be.
There will be a trophy for the 3 best adult costumes and the 3 best children!
Encourage yourself to participate!
You can see the official poster here.
All year round of the Centenary!
Dear Members,
We want to thank and reward your loyalty to our Club!
That is why we will leave the Membership promotion in force throughout the centenary year. You are the best ambassadors of the Club and the Member carries Member, will make the Laietà family continue to grow and grow!
Invite your family, friends and friends to become partners!
It is very easy, you just have to bring a new partner and you will have:
The Free Monthly Fee for 2 months
*In case you bring more than one new partner, you will benefit from 2 free months for each of them.
In addition, the new partner will obtain :
- 1 Free Monthly Fee and Facilities in the payment of the Social Title (financing up to 5 years without interest).
*This promotion does not apply to people who have been linked to the club during the last 6 months.
If you want more information, or make an appointment with us to show our Club to the person concerned, you can send an email to marketing@laieta.cat, call 934 486 350 or go through the Member Support Office.
We are waiting for you!
Vigent all year round of the Centenary!
Dear Members and Subscribers,
We want to continue thanking and rewarding your loyalty to the Club!
We are very pleased that you are part of laietà and we want our family to be bigger and bigger!
That is why we present the padel subscriber promotion becomes a
MemberAixí, if a Member manages to make a Paddle Subscriber become a Member, you will get:
- For the Subscriber who becomes a Member: 1 free year of box office and other advantages*
* The new partner will have facilities in the payment of the Social Title, which can be financed up to 5 years without interest.
- For the Member: a free monthly fee.
That way, they both win!
If you want to register as a new member or receive more information, you can send an email to marketing@laieta.cat, call 934 486 350 or go to the Member Support Office. Don’t wait any longer and cheer up! Enjoy Laietà more than ever!
Become a member!